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Determine Record Level Access for a User
Is there a way to determine the record level access (view/edit) for a user? (Note: this is record level not object level)
The code will be running under a single user and for every record we need to determine which users in Salesforce have view and which users have edit access to the record.
A record access can be queried from the Share table for all users. Example, if you are checking it for a Custom_Object__c, you can query the Custom_Object__Share object to get the access level for all the users required.
[Select RowCause, AccessLevel, UserOrGroupId form Custom_Object__Share where UserOrGroupId IN: userSet AND ParentId= '<RECORDID>' ];
Promote the following idea:
API call for checing [sic] user access level for a record
See also this post by BudVieira.