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Error: Invalid Data. ???System.StringException: Invalid id??? Help

Error: Invalid Data.
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger UpdateSARQ caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: UpdateSARQ: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.StringException: Invalid id: Subject_Area__r.Name: Trigger.UpdateSARQ: line 14, column 12


My Trigger:


trigger UpdateSARQ on Course_History__c (before insert,before update) {
List<Course_History__c> htoUpdte = new List<Course_History__c>();
Map<Id,String> rTypes = new Map<Id,String>();
Map<Id,Decimal> rTypes2 = new Map<Id,Decimal>();

for(Subject_Area_RQ__c rType :[SELECT Id,Subject_Area__r.Name,GL_Term_Value__c FROM Subject_Area_RQ__c]) {

for(Course_History__c ch:

if(rTypes.get('Subject_Area__r.Name')== ch.Subject_Area__c && rTypes2.get('GL_Term_Value__c')== ch.GL_Term_Value__c ){



 Please Help

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

rTypes.get('Id') is looking for the 2 character key 'Id' when infact the key is a 15 or 18 character id.


A line like this should show you what is in your Map.

System.debug('######This is my rTypes:'+rTypes)



With a map like Map<Id,Decimal> you can only 'get' an Id (which returns the corresponding Decimal). You cannot 'get' the Decimal.


Map<Id,Decimal> myMap = new Map<Id,Decimal>() ;

myMap.put('003000000001NjA', 12.5) ;



Decimal num = myMap.get('003000000001NjA') ;



Decimal num = myMap.get( 12.5 ) ;



You need to think about what you are loading into maps, and what to loop through to get your updates.


As this is a 'before' trigger you dont need to save a set of the changed records. Just update the fields and the changes will go forward into the database commit automatically.

All Answers

You're assigning something that's not an Id to an foreign key field, i can't quite work out what you're trying to do, but rTypes.get('Id') is not doing what you think it is.
You should dump the values of your maps after you've built them, because they'll be nothing like what the remaining code is especting.

Thank you for your help Simon...

Can you give me an example of this..

What I am trying to do is update a field in course History actually the Lookup field in course history based off term and Subject Area Name in the Subject Area RQ table...

So if 9.1 and finance is the same in the course history and subject area to update the term field and Subject lookup relationship in Course History...



rTypes.get('Id') is looking for the 2 character key 'Id' when infact the key is a 15 or 18 character id.


A line like this should show you what is in your Map.

System.debug('######This is my rTypes:'+rTypes)



With a map like Map<Id,Decimal> you can only 'get' an Id (which returns the corresponding Decimal). You cannot 'get' the Decimal.


Map<Id,Decimal> myMap = new Map<Id,Decimal>() ;

myMap.put('003000000001NjA', 12.5) ;



Decimal num = myMap.get('003000000001NjA') ;



Decimal num = myMap.get( 12.5 ) ;



You need to think about what you are loading into maps, and what to loop through to get your updates.


As this is a 'before' trigger you dont need to save a set of the changed records. Just update the fields and the changes will go forward into the database commit automatically.

This was selected as the best answer