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Create a test class for trigger
I have developed a trigger on Attachments. My idea is to update a case field when a new attachment is insert on a case. It works OK, not perfect.
I can't deploy it to production because I'm not able to create a test class for it... I tried but I'm only starting with Apex now. The code is below, can someone help me build a test class for it?
trigger NewAttachment on Attachment (before insert) {List<Case> CasesToUpdate = new List<Case>();for (Attachment t:{try{Case c = new Case(Id = t.ParentId);c.HasAttachments__c = true;CasesToUpdate.add(c);}catch (Exception e) {}}update CasesToUpdate;}//end
Something like the following should do it. Haven't compiled this but its based on one of my working tests so shouldn't be too far off.
static testMethod void testAttachments() { Case cse=new Case(); insert cse; Attachment attach=new Attachment(); attach.Name='Unit Test Attachment'; Blob bodyBlob=Blob.valueOf('Unit Test Attachment Body'); attach.body=bodyBlob;;
insert attach;
List<Attachment> attachments=[select id, name from Attachment where]; System.assertEquals(1, attachments.size()); }
All Answers
you'll just need to create a Attachment in the test class and then run the test class....
private class testClass
static testMethod void myUnitTest()
Attachment at = new Attachment();
// initialize the compulsory fields
insert at;
Something like the following should do it. Haven't compiled this but its based on one of my working tests so shouldn't be too far off.
static testMethod void testAttachments() { Case cse=new Case(); insert cse; Attachment attach=new Attachment(); attach.Name='Unit Test Attachment'; Blob bodyBlob=Blob.valueOf('Unit Test Attachment Body'); attach.body=bodyBlob;;
insert attach;
List<Attachment> attachments=[select id, name from Attachment where]; System.assertEquals(1, attachments.size()); }
Thank you bob.
It achieved 88% test coverage.
I have a similar problem getting my test class to work for the following trigger:
trigger ProductCalculations on Product2 (after insert, after update) {
Set<ID> statesIds = new Set<Id>{};
Map<ID, State_Activity_Management__c> statesMap = new Map<ID, State_Activity_Management__c>();
for (Product2{
public class SAMTotals {
public static void UpdateTotals(Set<ID> stateIds)
// Get list of SAM
List<State_Activity_Management__c> statelist = [SELECT Id,
FROM State_Activity_Management__c WHERE Id=:stateIds];
Map<Id, State_Activity_Management__c> mapStates = new Map<Id, State_Activity_Management__c>();
List<State_Activity_Management__c> toupdate = new List<State_Activity_Management__c>();
// Add Id and state object to map for easy reference
for (State_Activity_Management__c s:statelist)
mapStates.put(s.Id, s);
// Query all the totals
AggregateResult[] sumResults = [SELECT State_Activity_Management__c,
SUM(Annualized_Premium__c) premium,
SUM(Annualized_Premium_Non_Partnership__c) nonpartnership,
SUM(Annualized_Premium_Partnership__c) premiumpartnership,
SUM(Policies_Inforce__c) inforce,
SUM(Total_Claims__c) claims
FROM Product2 WHERE State_Activity_Management__c=:stateIds GROUP BY State_Activity_Management__c];
for (AggregateResult ar : sumResults)
State_Activity_Management__c s = mapStates.get((ID)ar.get('State_Activity_Management__c'));
// Update totals
s.Total_Annualized_Premium__c = (Double)ar.get('premium');
s.Total_Annualized_Premium_Non_Partnership__c = (Double)ar.get('nonpartnership');
s.Total_Annualized_Premium_Partnership__c = (Double)ar.get('premiumpartnership');
s.Total_Claims__c = (Decimal)ar.get('claims');
s.Total_Policies_Inforce__c = (Decimal)ar.get('inforce');
if (toupdate!=null){
My test class is as follows, but is not getting me any coverage.
public with sharing class testSAMTotals
static testMethod void UpdateTotals ()
State_Activity_Management__c st = new State_Activity_Management__c(Name = 'testOhio');
insert st;
State_Activity_Management__c state = [SELECT Id, Name FROM State_Activity_Management__c where Id =:st.Id];
system.debug('statename id ' + state.Id);
List<Product2> prodList = new List<Product2>();
for(Integer i = 0;i<200; i++){
Product2 prod = new Product2(name='test' +i,State_Activity_Management__c=state.Id);
insert prodList;
I am not getting any coverage. Any help would greatly be appreciated as I am relatively new to apex.
Thank You