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Trigger Test class
I have an issue in Apex triggers can any one help me out: I have a lraedy made two post but didnot get any reply .please help me out as it is very urjent for me.
Here is the code of my Apex trigger test class:
public class sampleTest{
static testMethod void WCSFTrigger(){
Map<String, Individual_Email_Results__c> lgaMap = new Map<String, Individual_Email_Results__c>();
Individual_Email_Results__c objInsert = new Individual_Email_Results__c();
objInsert .Hard_Bounce__c = 1;
objInsert .Abuse__c = '1';
objInsert .GlobalUnsubscribe__c = '1';
objInsert .UniversalUnsubscribe__c = '1';
objInsert .Unsubscribe__c = '1';
objInsert .Lead__c = '00Q90000001S4fL';
objInsert .Contact__c = '00390000001bZ1V';
insert objInsert ;
//Here the triggers fires on updation
objInsert . Unsubscribe__c = '3';
update objInsert;
Decimal newValue = objInsert .Hard_Bounce__c;//obj.Hard_Bounce__c;
Decimal oldValue = 2;
String contactID = objInsert.Contact__c;//'00390000001bZ1V';
String leadID = objInsert.Lead__c;
if(newValue != oldValue)
if(contactID != null)
Contact contact = [Select Id, HasOptedOutOfEmail from contact WHERE Id=: contactID ];
if(contact.HasOptedOutOfEmail == true)
contact.HasOptedOutOfEmail = false;
//system.assertEquals(contact.HasOptedOutOfEmail , false);
contact.HasOptedOutOfEmail = true;
//system.assertEquals(contact.HasOptedOutOfEmail , true);
update contact;
if(objInsert.Lead__c!= null)
Lead lead = [Select Id, HasOptedOutOfEmail from lead WHERE Id=:objInsert.Lead__c];
if(lead .HasOptedOutOfEmail == true)
system.assertEquals(lead .HasOptedOutOfEmail , true);
system.assertEquals(lead .HasOptedOutOfEmail , true);
update lead ;
if( (objInsert.Abuse__c != '2') || (objInsert.GlobalUnsubscribe__c != '2') || (objInsert.UniversalUnsubscribe__c != '2') || (objInsert.Unsubscribe__c != '2'))
if(objInsert.Contact__c!= null)
Contact contact = [Select Id, EmailBouncedDate , EmailBouncedReason from contact WHERE Id=:objInsert.Contact__c];
system.assertEquals( contact.EmailBouncedReason , 'WhatCounts Hard Bounce');
update contact;
if(objInsert.Lead__c!= null)
Lead lead= [Select Id, EmailBouncedDate , EmailBouncedReason from lead WHERE Id=:objInsert.Lead__c];
system.assertEquals( lead.EmailBouncedReason , 'WhatCounts Hard Bounce');
update lead;
I have a problem in writing test class for code which has bold font .Please let me know if there is any issue.
The trigger is:
trigger WCSFTrigger on Individual_Email_Results__c (after update) {
Map<String, Individual_Email_Results__c> lgaMap = new Map<String, Individual_Email_Results__c>();
for (Individual_Email_Results__c objUpdate: System.Trigger.New) {
Individual_Email_Results__c obj= [Select id,Contact__c,Lead__c,Hard_Bounce__c,Abuse__c,GlobalUnsubscribe__c,UniversalUnsubscribe__c,Unsubscribe__c,Hard_Bounce_Event_Date__c from Individual_Email_Results__c where id= :objUpdate.Id];
string contactID = obj.Contact__c;
string leadID = obj.Lead__c;
Decimal newValue =[0].Hard_Bounce__c;
Decimal oldValue = trigger.old[0].Hard_Bounce__c;
if(newValue != oldValue )
if(contactID != null)
Contact contact = [Select Id, HasOptedOutOfEmail from contact WHERE Id=:contactID ];
if(contact.HasOptedOutOfEmail == true)
contact.HasOptedOutOfEmail = false;
contact.HasOptedOutOfEmail = true;
update contact;
if(leadId != null)
Lead lead = [Select Id, HasOptedOutOfEmail from lead WHERE Id=: leadId];
if(lead.HasOptedOutOfEmail == true)
lead.HasOptedOutOfEmail = false;
lead.HasOptedOutOfEmail = true;
update lead;
if( ([0].Abuse__c != trigger.old[0].Abuse__c) || ([0].GlobalUnsubscribe__c != trigger.old[0].GlobalUnsubscribe__c) || ([0].UniversalUnsubscribe__c != trigger.old[0].UniversalUnsubscribe__c) || ([0].Unsubscribe__c != trigger.old[0].Unsubscribe__c))
if(contactID != null)
Contact contact = [Select Id, EmailBouncedDate , EmailBouncedReason from contact WHERE Id=:contactID ];
contact.EmailBouncedReason = 'WhatCounts Hard Bounce';
contact.EmailBouncedDate = datetime.valueOf(obj.Hard_Bounce_Event_Date__c);
update contact;
if(leadId != null)
Lead lead= [Select Id, EmailBouncedDate , EmailBouncedReason from lead WHERE Id=:leadID ];
lead.EmailBouncedReason = 'WhatCounts Hard Bounce';
lead.EmailBouncedDate = datetime.valueOf(obj.Hard_Bounce_Event_Date__c);
update lead;
Please let me know if any changes has to be done.
I have followed the APEX DOCS TO WRITE THE CODE. I have already made two posts regarding this issue but didnot get any reply.
I would refactor your code to move the large if statements within the trigger.* and place it in another class.
Maybe call it:
Place a static class that the trigger can see easily.
This way you can test that method ... without having to test the full trigger.
etc ... and then write unit tests around that ... its a lot easier then doing all the code within the trigger. And a lot easier to test to move it to another class. At least from what I've been testing.
I hope that helps.