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Showing Errors using Apex Code



We can assign an error to a field, but is it possible to show the error on the top of the page using Apex code ?


Please Help

Thank You

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I think what you're asking for is:


<apex:messages />

You can use this at the top of your VF page.

All Answers


I think what you're asking for is:


<apex:messages />

You can use this at the top of your VF page.

This was selected as the best answer

Thanks snievas :)

HI, I want to change my error message color to red :  for example: when the error this played it will appear like : error:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
right now, error is red but the xxxx is black. I used the code <apex:messages style="color:red;"/>, it repeated the message again in red but the xxx part is stil black.