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Pink TacoPink Taco 

Field name “lead metric” in leads: formula field must be= Lead Ranking * Transaction Dollar Volume.

We need a new field called “lead metric” in leads: this shd be a formula field which = “Lead Ranking" * "Transaction Dollar Volume”.


Lead ranking is an picklst field and other one is the currency field.


Please can anyone give the formula for this. I have written this :-


IF((ISPICKVAL( Lead_Ranking__c, "0","0",
IF(ISPICKVAL( Lead_Ranking__c, "5", "5",
IF(ISPICKVAL( Lead_Ranking__c, "10", "10",
IF(ISPICKVAL( Lead_Ranking__c, "15", "15", 0, ) ) ) )

CASE(Lead_Ranking__c,"0",0, "5", 5,0) * VALUE(TEXT(Transaction_Dollar_Volume__c)))


:) :) :) :) :):) :) :) :) :)
