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Please Correct this formulae for proper case contacts?

I have two fields FirstName , LastName.  i have written 2 workflows for proper formation of contacts like if we give First name Like "aNVesh" it returns as "Anvesh" . Like that for Last Name also 'pAiDakuLA' it returns "Paidakula". it is fine but it is not updating for middle name means in my FirstName Text box if i give  "aNVesH kUMar" , it returns "Anvesh kUMar".

like that if i give in Last Name Field Text box "pAIdaKUla  sRiP". it returns Paidakula sRiP. please give me sollution for this. here is formulaes.i have added a formulae with space but it not works. for the fields if i give space and enter any text it should also correct in proper case like "aNVesH kUMar" to "Anvesh Kumar"

for firstname field : UPPER(LEFT(FirstName,1))&Mid(LOWER(FirstName), 2, Len(FirstName)-1)

for Lastname field : UPPER(LEFT(LastName,1))&Mid(LOWER(LastName), 2, Len(LastName)-1)

we dont have field for Middle name.

so i have written formulae something like this to reflect the word after space. but not  working.

UPPER(LEFT(FirstName,1))&Mid(LOWER(FirstName), 2, Len(FirstName)-1)& &Find(' ',UPPER(Left(Firstname,1)&Mid(Lower(FirstName))2,Len(FirstName)-1))))

This works for me


&LOWER(Mid(FirstName,2,Find(' ',FirstName,2)-2))
&Upper(Mid(FirstName,Find(' ',FirstName,2),2))
&Lower(Right(FirstName,Find(' ',FirstName)-3))