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Need to display current date on a field?

I want to display current date  on a  field. i have writtened in formulae editor
which results error and i have tried 
$System.OriginDateTime. but even getting wrong date.

Where are you doing this? If it is on a formula field, workflow field update, etc. then you can use "NOW()", which will give you the user local time.


Hi Anvesh,


1.To Show Current Date on your field add this function in your Formula Editior  --> NOW() , Please make sure that  that field type is Date 

2. If you wrote this in your Text field use this function in your Formula Editior  --> TEXT(NOW() )



Hope this will helpful for you...!


If you need today's date in a custom button or link, use Field Type "Today".
In my case I use it in creating a file name for a Conga report: &OFN=MyReport+{!Today}
Troy CenterTroy Center
For older Formula's in SF, the Now() function is correct. 
This needs to be answered for 2021 using Flow. In Flow, use the {!$Flow.CurrentDateTime} ($Flow | CurrentDateTime). 
Troy ~ Seattle