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Formula field used in reports



I have created a formula field on Contact , which gets calculated as given :


IF( (RecordType.DeveloperName== 'Continuum_Member' && (AA_CM_A_Type__c == '1CM' || AA_CM_A_Type__c == '2CM')), 
HYPERLINK("/"&LEFT(Corps_Region__c,18), Corps_Region__r.Name,'_self'), 
HYPERLINK("/"&LEFT(Hire_Credit_Region_New__c,18), Hire_Credit_Region_New__r.Name,'_self') 

It always shows correct value when checked on detail page on record But whenever report is run , it always evaluates to false  and gives incorrect result.

Please help me to understand this behaviour whenever reports run.


Kent ManningKent Manning
My hunch is that since this is a formula field it is getting evaluated at the time the record displays, but when the report runs the formula is not getting evaluated properly. Is the user running the report the same user that is viewing the detail page of the record? If not, does the user running the report have the rights to see the fields in your IF condition statement?