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Cannot create Eclipse project for Sandbox ORG, get error.

I've tried to upload a trigger to sandbox via Eclipse but I get an error stating that the ORG is not enabled for deploying, I also get an error INVALID_TYPE: Cannot create ApexClass. So basically i CAN'T SAVE ANY CHANGES TO SANDBOX.

I've tried all sort of things such as changing the XML to Active ut it won't save the changes to sandbox. I dont know why it is doing this, since I've done all sort of triggers and some coding and never saw this issue in Sandbox, only in production.


Can anyone tell me what it is that I am not noticing or need to do?


This is the error I get when I try to save the trigger to Sandbox:



Description Resource Path Location Type
Save error: Not available for deploy for this organization PreventPortalUserOwner2.trigger _SANDBOX Shell Project/src/triggers line 0 save problem

Description Resource Path Location TypeSave error: Not available for deploy for this organization





Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Could it be a permission problem?

Passwords are reseted every three months, maybe thats it.

To get a new password just log in into your org on the browser and you'll be asked for a new password.

It will also reset your security token also and will be sent to your mail.



All Answers


Please contact customer support about this issue.



Jon Product Manager


Could it be a permission problem?

Passwords are reseted every three months, maybe thats it.

To get a new password just log in into your org on the browser and you'll be asked for a new password.

It will also reset your security token also and will be sent to your mail.



This was selected as the best answer

Well I dont think so since I work all day in SF and also use Eclipse on an everyday basis and I haven't had any password issues. Additionally if I am not mistaken our SF Admins for our org have the permission enabled that our pwd never expires. SInce I have been a salesforce admins for 6 months and never had to reset my pwd.


This is really weird since it is sandbox and I should be able to upload trigger into it so that I can test them. 


what was the fix?


My problem was that I did not have the author apex permission on my admin priofile, most likely I accidentally changed it since I did have it before. 


So if I were you I would go check my profile permissions as a first step, also may be a connection problem, but that is less likely. If all else fails open a case with support.