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retrieve id limit reached
This just started happening in the last week (ironically since our instance was upgraded to Summer 10)
The following code (which worked before) is now failing miserably - and i cannot even catch the exception to degrade gracefully
List<Period> fys = new List<Period>([Select p.Type, p.StartDate, p.Number, p.Id, p.EndDate From Period p where StartDate <= and EndDate >=]); for(Period f : fys) { if (f.Type == 'Year') this.fiscalYear = f.Number; else if (f.Type == 'Quarter') this.fiscalQuarter = f.Number; else if (f.Type == 'Month') this.fiscalMonth = f.Number; else if (f.Type == 'Week') this.fiscalWeek = f.Number; } Integer rowLimit = Limits.getLimitQueryRows() == 500 ? 10 : (Limits.getLimitQueryRows() - Limits.getQueryRows()); List<Opportunity> opportunities = new List<Opportunity>([SELECT id, name,, FROM Opportunity Where Close_Fiscal_Month__c =: this.fiscalMonth AND Close_Fiscal_Year__c =: this.fiscalYear ORDER BY ForecastCategory LIMIT :rowLimit])
The error occurs in instantiating the List from the SOQL query... which has always worked FLAWLESSLY for us before...
I could understand the error with maybe some notification... or if there wasn't a way to work around it
List<Opportunity> opportunities = new List<Opportunity>(); for (Opportunity o : [SELECT id, name,, FROM Opportunity Where Close_Fiscal_Month__c =: this.fiscalMonth AND Close_Fiscal_Year__c =: this.fiscalYear ORDER BY ForecastCategory LIMIT :rowLimit]) opportunities.add(o);
The workaround is PAAAAINFULLY slow - and has to have a far greater performance impact on the server than the original. Is this a permanent change... if so - yikes.
Instead of what you have:
List<Period> fys = new List<Period>([Select p.Type, p.StartDate, p.Number, p.Id, p.EndDate From Period p where StartDate <= and EndDate >=]);
Have you considered simplifying it to simply:
List<Period> fys = [Select p.Type, p.StartDate, p.Number, p.Id, p.EndDate From Period p where StartDate <= and EndDate >=]
Semantics - and doesn't impact the error of "retrieve id limit reached"
Did you ever get this answered? I am trying to customize an app and it is giving me the same error.