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sObject type 'Site' is not supported

This is fun. If you run this block of APEX in the system log everything works without issue...


Site mySite = [Select AnalyticsTrackingCode From Site where Name = 'My_Portal' limit 1];

BUT, if you put the same block of APEX in a class and try to save the class you get: Save error: sObject type 'Site' is not supported.


What is up with that?


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Is your class set to the latest api version ?

All Answers


That's odd, it worked for me.

Are you on a dev org or sandbox? I'm seeing the issue in a sandbox but I have not tested on a dev org or any where else.

Is your class set to the latest api version ?

This was selected as the best answer

Simon, what would we do without you?


It is an older class so no, not using the latest api, but tomorrow it will be.


I think this is the 3rd time I have forgotten to check the api version for issues like this. You would think I would have learned by now!


Thanks a bunch Simon!


Tim -