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How to Call test class from trigger??? I want to deploy trigger....
I have a trigger and i want to deploy it to production... please let me know how can i achieve that. I have both the trigger and test class. This test class covers 100% code coverage if trigger in sandbox.. but fails while deployment and remains with 0% only.
Please help me with the following trigger and test class....
I certainly do not know how do that. Please help me with one trigger and class.. like i have the following trigger:
trigger updaterequestowner on Pre_Sales_Request__c (before insert)
Profile auth_profile = [select id from profile where name='HS_StandardUser_Presales'];
Id v_User = UserInfo.GetProfileId();
for(Pre_Sales_Request__c ob :
if(v_User != auth_profile.Id)
ob.Request_Owner__c = Userinfo.getUserId();
and i have the following test class :
private class TriggerTests {
public static testmethod void testTrigger() {
Pre_Sales_Request__c psrc=new Pre_Sales_Request__c( name = 'a' );
insert psrc; = 'b';
update psrc;
Hi Sunny,
See my post in this thread
Hope this helps.