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Invalid Foriegn key ? ?
okay so im getting this error:
Compile Error: line 19, column 7: Invalid foreign key relationship: Lead.createdDate
with this code:
it comes from the part where i compare each aspect of CreatedDate to my variables.
public with sharing class stuff {
Date oldThreshold = Date.newInstance(2010, 1, 1);
String newStatusForOldLeads = 'Archive-Omitted';
List<Lead> oldLeads = [select id, createdDate, status, isConverted
from Lead where status = 'open' OR status = 'working'];
List<Lead> leadsToUpdate = new List<Lead>();
if(oldLeads.size() > 0)
for(Lead currentLead: oldLeads)
integer compareyear = 2010;
integer comparemonth = 1;
integer compareday = 1;
//Date x = currentLead.CreatedDate.Date;
if (currentLead.CreatedDate.year < compareyear &&
currentLead.CreatedDate.month < comparemonth && < compareday)
currentLead.status = newStatusForOldLeads;
if(leadsToUpdate.size() > 0)
I don't get it ?
I believe you'll have more success if you tried
All Answers
I believe you'll have more success if you tried
You need to take .Date out of that sentece. The field is CreatedDate.
If you dont want the whole date or want to format it do it on the Datetime object you created.
You can see all the Date type methods in this page. Thats page is useful for many other things related with apex code.
HA ! thanx. thats what happens when u look at the same code wayyy too long in one day.