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Get the Application names in apex controller

Hi all,

           Iam struggling from the past 3 days to find the application name in the apex controller.Any help would be appreciated.





hi srinivas,

can u ellaborate your task. WHat do u mean u r looking application name.a controller is associated with a VF page.

Hi krishnag, Thanks for reply

HI krishnag,


                Thanks for reply


                Actually what my requirement is in the force .com app menu pick lsit on the top right we have standard applications like sales,marketing, etc..And also we may have custom apllications.Here what my point is from the apex controller i would like to get the current application name which is running(whether it is sales or marketting or custom application).I have a code to get the app name from visual force page.By using "describetabs" we can get the current application name.The same should get fropm the apex controller.So,that i can creat some generic class fro that and use the app name whereever i need it.







Did you ever find a solution to this?

no softwareno software

Hi @ Burton024


Did u find any solution to this then please share with me .I have  a urgent requirement of this.


No sorry, I couldn't find a way.