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Compile Error: Field is not writeable: Contact.Name at line

Hi All,


I got the following error

Compile Error: Field is not writeable: Contact.Name at line 66.....

Following is the code snippet



global class clsCustomWebService_MergeStdObject {



webService static String mergeContactStdObj (String MasterId, String Slave1Id, String Slave2Id)

..........//This statement works

List<Account> ls = new List<Account>{new Account(name='Acme Inc.'),new Account(name='Acme')};
insert ls;


...............//This line generate the error

List<Contact> ls = new List<Contact>{new Contact(name='Classic Inc.'),new Contact(name='Classic')};
insert ls;






The same fails for Lead too.

What I want to achieve is run the code example as given in the below mentioned link for Account, Lead and Contact.

Following is the ref documentation link








i wonder how this line works fine



   List<Account> ls = new List<Contact>{new Contact(name='Acme Inc.'),new Contact(name='Acme')};

 the mistake is right there how can make a list of account and instantiate contact. comment this line and run.



Sorry, my mistake. I have corrected the statement. The Account object is accessible but Lead and Contact are not.