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Date comparision: find the most recent date

I'm trying to compare dates to determine the most recent date out of several records.  I was to get the record with the most recent date below, but that doesn't appear to be working.


tmpPostedDate = null
postedDate = null;

for (Sales_Invoice__c s : salesInvoiceList) {
                tmpPostedDate = s.Posting_Date__c;
                if (tmpPostedDate > postedDate) {
                                postedDate = tmpPostedDate;
                else {

Is there another way to get the most recent date when comparing across several records?



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I stole this from another post, but it should work... Since SOQL doesn't have a MAX() function, you have to sort on date, and limit returns to 1.



SELECT PSOD_Project__r.Name,Resource__r.Name, Period_Beginning__c
FROM Time_Sheet__c
WHERE PSOD_Project__r.Name = 'PSOD Internal'
ORDER BY Period_Beginning__c DESC



If you want to read the post on this subject, it's located here:


Order By Date discussion