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Test Method help for Inboundemail Handler
Hey developer gurus...
Running into a snag while trying to get coverage on an Inbound email handler. Looking to see if anyone can point me down the right path to getting a test method constructed properly so I can more this class into production. The class is "working" in sandbox perfectly but the test coverage I am getting is only 25%.
This class performs the following:
1. Receives the inbound email and dissects the envelope and email creating string variables where necessary
2. Looks up an existing account in the system and matches it to one of the toAddresses (Quote_Address__C field).
3. Looks for an existing contact where the contact's email matches the fromAddress in the envelope AND the account id from step 2.
4. Inserts a Quote Request record against the account with the contact added to that record.
5. If no contact is found, inserts a new contact on that account and then creates the quote request record.
6. Captures any attachments and adds them to the Quote Request record.
7. Sends an email back to the sender letting them know their request was received.
8. If no account is found, sends an error email back to the sender letting them know their request could not be processed.
I used a series of IF statements to qualify each of the 3 conditions that would come up to construct the logic behind how the email was handles and what record(s) were created. This seemed like the most reliable method to get the email handler to work 100% reliably.
Here's the class:
global class EmailQuoteRequest1 implements Messaging.InboundEmailHandler {
public Contact vCon;
public Account vAcc;
public Quote_Request__c qr;
public string toAddr;
public string emailaddress;
public String firstName;
public String lastName;
public String Subject;
public String myPlainText;
global Messaging.InboundEmailResult handleInboundEmail(
Messaging.InboundEmail email,
Messaging.InboundEnvelope envelope) {
Messaging.InboundEmailResult result = new Messaging.InboundEmailresult();
// Captures the sender's email address and name
String emailAddress = envelope.fromAddress;
String lastName= email.fromName.substring(0,email.fromName.indexOf(' '));
String firstName = email.fromName.substring(email.fromName.indexOf(' '));
// Captures the email subject
String Subject = email.Subject;
// Add the email plain text into the local variable
String myPlainText= '';
myPlainText = email.plainTextBody;
//Capture the To: Addresses
String[] toAddr = email.toAddresses;
//Check that toAddress list != null
if (toAddr != null){ <---- I get coverage to here then nothing
//Lookup Account from toAddress list
if ([select count() from Account where Quote_Address__c in :toAddr] > 0) {
Account vAcc = [Select Id, OwnerId, Quote_Address__c
From Account
Where Quote_Address__c in :toAddr
Limit 1];
//Look for existing contact in the system
if ([select count() from Contact where
AccountId = :vAcc.Id
Email = :envelope.fromAddress] > 0) {
Contact vCon = [Select Id
from Contact
where Email = :envelope.fromAddress
Limit 1];
//Add the new Quote Request
Quote_Request__c[] qr = new Quote_Request__c[0];
qr.add(new Quote_Request__c(Request_Detail__c = myPlainText,
Quote_Subject__c = Subject,
Customer_Contact__c =,
Account__c = vAcc.Id));
try {
insert qr;
//Insert Attachments if any
if (email.binaryAttachments !=
null && email.binaryAttachments.size() > 0)
for (integer i = 0 ; i < email.binaryAttachments.size() ; i++)
Attachment aB = new Attachment(ParentId = qr[0].Id,
Name = email.binaryAttachments[i].filename,
Body = email.binaryAttachments[i].body);
insert aB;
if (email.textAttachments !=
null && email.textAttachments.size() > 0)
for (integer i = 0 ; i < email.textAttachments.size() ; i++)
Attachment aT = new Attachment(ParentId = qr[0].Id,
Name = email.textAttachments[i].filename,
Body = Blob.valueOf(email.textAttachments[i].body));
insert aT;
} catch (System.DmlException e)
{ result.success = false;
result.message = 'failed to attach to account.';
System.debug('ERROR: Not able to create Quote Request: ' + e);
// Send return email to sender confirming receipt of request
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
mail.setToAddresses( new String[] { emailAddress });
mail.setSubject('Your quote request has been received');
mail.setPlainTextBody('Thank you for submitting your request. { existing contact }. Your Account Manager will be in touch shortly to discuss the details of your request.');
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });
I managed to figure out what it was I was doing wrong here and now have 100% coverage. It had to do with the way I defined the toAddress in the test email. Ended up needing to define a List String{] first and then reference the viable in the email.toAdddresses field when creating the test message.
All Answers
This may sound ridiculous but I had a similar issue when I was working with InBound Email Handler. It is hard to simulate and write a test class for all the code especially with Attachments and creating emailMessages. The way was able to overcome the coverage issue was by creating useless methods that were never going to be true for my business case. Eventually I added some additional code that got executed during my test only, which brought the overall coverage to be more than 75%:).
Hope this helps.
Thanks for the suggestion and I don't think it sounds ridiculous at all. I do have 2 more things I am working on doing in terms of restructuring the class so I can get some coverage but this will be a good fall-back position if I get in a pinch and have to deploy to production early.
I managed to figure out what it was I was doing wrong here and now have 100% coverage. It had to do with the way I defined the toAddress in the test email. Ended up needing to define a List String{] first and then reference the viable in the email.toAdddresses field when creating the test message.
Here is a link to some sample code which includes test methods, I have posted several samples on the site