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new button in apex class is not displayed in my enterprise edition
"New" button in apex class is not displayed in my enterprise edition How to get "New" button in enterprise edition or else which edition will display "New" button
Creating a new apex class in the production environment is not allowed. you will require creating a class in Sandbox instance and then deploying it to production using change set or eclipse or ant tool.
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Can you check "Author Apex" permission in "Administrative Permissons" of the profile you are assigned? It needs to be checkd in order to create Apex classes / triggers
Creating a new apex class in the production environment is not allowed. you will require creating a class in Sandbox instance and then deploying it to production using change set or eclipse or ant tool.
i agree with prassanna. I overlooked the possibility that the instance you are referring might be a production.
Anyways, if the salesforce instance is prod, you cannot create a apex class. you need to create them in an sandbox and then deploy it to the prod.
Thanks prasanna.