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Test class for trigger

How to write test class for trigger

am new to apex


trigger check on Order__c (after insert) {

Opportunity q=[select id from Opportunity where id=:to.Opportunity__c];
list<OpportunityLineItem> ql=[select id,ListPrice,PriceBookEntry.Name,PriceBookEntry.Product2Id ,Subtotal,TotalPrice from OpportunityLineItem where];

for(OpportunityLineItem qli:ql){
Accomodation__c lm=new Accomodation__c();
insert lm;

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 



Before helping you in the test coverage, I wanted to ask you whether your trigger is bulk enabled?

If Yes, are you aware of the "Apex Governor Limits".

Just a small tip, never insert any dml statement in a for loop

Take a List of Type Accomodation and add the object there and outside the for loop insert the list.

for example:



trigger check on Order__c (after insert) 
List<Accomodation__c> lstAcccomodation = new List<Accomodation__c>(); // insert this line

Opportunity q=[select id from Opportunity where id=:to.Opportunity__c];
list<OpportunityLineItem> ql=[select id,ListPrice,PriceBookEntry.Name,PriceBookEntry.Product2Id ,Subtotal,TotalPrice from OpportunityLineItem where];

for(OpportunityLineItem qli:ql){
Accomodation__c lm=new Accomodation__c();
insert lm; // instead of this line write the below line
/* insert below code outside the for loop*/
if(lstAcccomodation != null && !lstAcccomodation.isEmpty())
  insert lstAcccomodation;

 And here are the guidelines for your test coverage.


Create a class with the Template as "Test Class".


private class Test {

    static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
        // TO DO: implement unit test
        // insert a dummy instance of "Opportunity" sobject
        Opportunity objOpp = new Opportunity();
           put all the mandatory fields required in Opportunity object
        insert objOpp;

        // insert a dummy instance of "Order sobject"
        Order__c objOrder = new Order__c();
        objOrder.Opportunity__c = objOpp.Id;
           put all the mandatory fields required in Order object
        insert objOrder;

        // insert a dummy instance of "OpportunityLineItem" object
        OpportunityLineItem objOppLineItem = new OpportunityLineItem();
        objOppLineItem.OpportunityId = objOpp.Id;
        objOppLineItem.Order__c = objOrder.Id;
          put all mandatory fields and the ones you have queried in the list 
        insert objOppLineItem;



This should give you atleast the minimum code coverage for your trigger.



All Answers




Before helping you in the test coverage, I wanted to ask you whether your trigger is bulk enabled?

If Yes, are you aware of the "Apex Governor Limits".

Just a small tip, never insert any dml statement in a for loop

Take a List of Type Accomodation and add the object there and outside the for loop insert the list.

for example:



trigger check on Order__c (after insert) 
List<Accomodation__c> lstAcccomodation = new List<Accomodation__c>(); // insert this line

Opportunity q=[select id from Opportunity where id=:to.Opportunity__c];
list<OpportunityLineItem> ql=[select id,ListPrice,PriceBookEntry.Name,PriceBookEntry.Product2Id ,Subtotal,TotalPrice from OpportunityLineItem where];

for(OpportunityLineItem qli:ql){
Accomodation__c lm=new Accomodation__c();
insert lm; // instead of this line write the below line
/* insert below code outside the for loop*/
if(lstAcccomodation != null && !lstAcccomodation.isEmpty())
  insert lstAcccomodation;

 And here are the guidelines for your test coverage.


Create a class with the Template as "Test Class".


private class Test {

    static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
        // TO DO: implement unit test
        // insert a dummy instance of "Opportunity" sobject
        Opportunity objOpp = new Opportunity();
           put all the mandatory fields required in Opportunity object
        insert objOpp;

        // insert a dummy instance of "Order sobject"
        Order__c objOrder = new Order__c();
        objOrder.Opportunity__c = objOpp.Id;
           put all the mandatory fields required in Order object
        insert objOrder;

        // insert a dummy instance of "OpportunityLineItem" object
        OpportunityLineItem objOppLineItem = new OpportunityLineItem();
        objOppLineItem.OpportunityId = objOpp.Id;
        objOppLineItem.Order__c = objOrder.Id;
          put all mandatory fields and the ones you have queried in the list 
        insert objOppLineItem;



This should give you atleast the minimum code coverage for your trigger.



This was selected as the best answer

Thank u very much rmeh

it works fine