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DML currently not allowed when update a Case

Not quite sure what I am missing, but I am getting an error :DML currently not allowed when I try to update the Case.



Anyone have any ideas? I get the DML error when i call update dupCases


here's a snippet of my code.



List<Case> dupCases = new List<Case>();

for(Case c : cases){
  if(c.Id != Master.Id){
    c.ParentId = Master.Id;

update dupCases;



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

I had "cases" defined at the class level.


I figured out the solution. Seems that you cannot execute DML statements when it is called from the constructor of a controller (which i was doing since I wanted an automatic update when the page ran). Instead  I created an action that executes a method on page load.


Here is the post where i got the idea:

All Answers

Regular ContributorRegular Contributor

Can you tell where you have cases.....The code is not clear


I had "cases" defined at the class level.


I figured out the solution. Seems that you cannot execute DML statements when it is called from the constructor of a controller (which i was doing since I wanted an automatic update when the page ran). Instead  I created an action that executes a method on page load.


Here is the post where i got the idea:

This was selected as the best answer