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Problems with substring

I have a text field that i want to trim and have been trying with substring:




 However i get errors

System.StringException: Ending position out of bounds: 28

 When the field is less than 32 characters. It works fine if i say (5,10) as all have at least 15 characters.




Any tips on how i can trim this to ignore the first 5 characters and then return no more than 27 after that.



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 


Integer i = Field_Name__c.length();
      if (i > 32) {
        i = 27;//IF you want to return 27 characters change this value to 32
return Field_Name__c.subString(5, i);



All Answers



Integer i = Field_Name__c.length();
      if (i > 32) {
        i = 27;//IF you want to return 27 characters change this value to 32
return Field_Name__c.subString(5, i);



This was selected as the best answer

Excellent thanks, worked perfectly


You can also try using  trim() function. Sample code is given below :


                                                function Trim(str)


                                                                while (str.substring(0,1) == ' ') // check for white spaces from beginning


                                                                                str = str.substring(1, str.length);


                                                                while (str.substring(str.length-1, str.length) == ' ') // check white space from end


                                                                                str = str.substring(0,str.length-1);



                                                                return str;
