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Visual force Page : save OK but stays on EDIT page


I begin on Visual Force and Apex...


I have a VF page where I want to save a pageblocktable, and then go back on the previous page. It saves, but stays on the page...


Here is my class :


public  class CallPlanResultController {
    public List<Call_Plan_Line_Result__c> resultList {get;set;}
    ApexPages.StandardController controller;
    public Call_Plan_Line__c callPlanLine {get;set;}
    public Integer resultListSize {
            return resultList.size();

    public CallPlanResultController(ApexPages.StandardController inputController){
        controller = inputController;

        callPlanLine = (Call_Plan_Line__c)controller.getRecord();

        resultList = new list<Call_Plan_Line_Result__c>();
        for (Call_Plan_Line_Result__c result:[select id,name,Action_Date__c,Action_Type__c,Info_Date__c,
         from Call_Plan_Line_Result__c where call_plan_line__c = :controller.getId()]){
    public void save(){
        PageReference retour =;
        update resultList;


and in my page I only use the save function of the controller :


<apex:commandbutton value="{!$Label.CORE_Btn_Save}" action="{!save}"/>


Any help will be appreciated....







Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Thank you sravu !

I made it simpler than what you recommanded, and it works :


public PageReference save(){
        PageReference retour =;
        update resultList;
        return retour;

Thank you again !





All Answers


Change the following method as:


public void save(){
        PageReference retour =;
        update resultList;

public PageReference save() {

       PageReference retour =;

       update resultList;

       return ApexPages.StandardController(<object name>).view();



Thank you sravu !

I made it simpler than what you recommanded, and it works :


public PageReference save(){
        PageReference retour =;
        update resultList;
        return retour;

Thank you again !





This was selected as the best answer

The following statement will take you to the standard detail page.


return ApexPages.StandardController(<object name>).view();


You can use this if u need the standard look and feel