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Why wont this work?
Trying to upload this test class, but i am getting an error that apex test coverage is only 74%..which is why im trying to upload this test class lol..... any ideas? I am including the clas it is testing below....
Appreciate any help!!
Thank You
@isTest private class tableSortTest { private static void test() { Account a = new Account(name='Test'); insert a; List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>{ new Task(Subject='A Task',ActivityDate=System.Today(),Status='Completed',, new Task(Subject='Z Task',ActivityDate=System.Today().addDays(-1),Status='Not Started',}; insert tasks; Test.setCurrentPage(Page.Sort); Test.startTest(); ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id',; tableSort controller = new tableSort(); System.assertEquals(2,controller.getOpps().size()); controller.sortField = 'Subject'; controller.doSort(); System.assertEquals('A Task',controller.getOpps()[0].Subject); controller.doSort(); System.assertEquals('Z Task',controller.getOpps()[0].Subject); controller.sortField='ActivityDate'; controller.doSort(); System.assertEquals(System.Today().addDays(-1),controller.getOpps()[0].ActivityDate); controller.sortField='Subject'; controller.doSort(); System.assertEquals('A Task',controller.getOpps()[0].Subject); Test.stopTest(); } }
public class tableSort { public List<Task> opps; public Id theT; public String sortField {get; set;} public String previousSortField {get; set;} { theT = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); } public List<Task> getOpps() { if(opps == null){ opps = [select WhatId, Subject, OwnerId, Description, ActivityDate from Task WHERE WhatId = :theT ]; } return opps; } public void doSort(){ String order = 'asc'; /*This checks to see if the same header was click two times in a row, if so it switches the order.*/ if(previousSortField == sortField){ order = 'desc'; previousSortField = null; }else{ previousSortField = sortField; } //To sort the table we simply need to use this one line, nice! superSort.sortList(opps,sortField,order); } }
You forgot the testmethod keyword in your method line. Also you don't need the private keyword on it.
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You forgot the testmethod keyword in your method line. Also you don't need the private keyword on it.
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