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*****ApexCode bug????******



After read and change my class acording to this manual I got 74% of coverage of my code, second issue after change my class with these three method I cannot complete the request, I got this error "Callout from triggers are currently not supported.: Class.APICallV2.invokeWebService: line 44, column 28" my  class has  @future (callout=true), is important to note that the last class ( work perfect in sandbox but is not posible to test and migrate to production (link with the class and advise below the code for your advise:




trigger Event_Trigger on Event( after insert, before update) {//verificar funcionamiento de future call con update before
si cambia a.RecordTypeId el nombre o el ID del campo de debe cambiar en cada if el codigo anterior (012A0000000Bg6CIAS)
   System.debug('Making future call');
    for (Event a : {
        if (Trigger.isInsert) {
            if(a.RecordTypeId != '012A0000000Bg6CIAS'){//only for recordtype Masivo, this value (012A0000000Bg6CIAS) can not change

/*******getting info for below procedures***************/
            List<Account> l = [Select Account.latitud__c, Account.Categoria__c From Account Where Id=:a.WhatId];
            string latitud = l[0].latitud__c ;
            string tipo_cliente = l[0].Categoria__c ;
             string Categoria = l[0].Categoria__c ;
           if(latitud == null){// if latitude is not completed the user need to go to account and set the latitude and longitude values
                a.addError(' No es posible crear la visita, por favor dirigase al módulo de Cliente y agrega las latitud y longitud de la dirección utilizando el mapa. ');
            string contact_preson =     a.WhatId;//contact ID for Rest API
            string Id_event =     a.Id; //ID of event for REST API
          Datetime inicio = a.StartDateTime; //Date of start meeting
          Datetime fin    = a.EndDateTime;  //Date of end meeting
/*****Section to check is the meeting is point for the same month.****/
       date startDate =;
       date dueDate = date.newInstance(inicio.year(),inicio.month(),;
       integer numberMonthsDue = startDate.monthsBetween(dueDate);

        integer tot;
           if(numberMonthsDue == 0 ){
                integer c = [SELECT count() FROM Event where OwnerId=:a.OwnerId  and  WhatId=:a.WhatId and  StartDateTime = THIS_MONTH];
                tot = c;
            if(numberMonthsDue > 0 ){
                integer c = [SELECT count() FROM Event where OwnerId=:a.OwnerId  and  WhatId=:a.WhatId and  StartDateTime = NEXT_MONTH];
                tot = c;
               //section visit per type of client

              if(tipo_cliente == 'Uno (1)'){//cada 15 dias
                 if(tot > 2){//menor a dos visitas mensiales
                       a.addError(' No es posible crear mas de 2 visitas por mes para este cliente, en caso de no poder asistir a visitas previamente programadas para este mes, por favor ingrese nuevamente a esa visita y reprograme. ' );
                       //+tot+' '+Categoria+' lat '+latitud+' what id '+a.WhatId+' whot id '+a.WhoId
             if(tipo_cliente == 'Dos (2)'){//cada 30 dias
                if(tot > 4){//menor a tres visitas mensiales
                       a.addError(' No es posible crear mas de 4 visitas por mes para este cliente, en caso de no poder asistir a visitas previamente programadas para este mes, por favor ingrese nuevamente a esa visita y reprograme. '+tot);
            if(tipo_cliente == 'Cuatro (4)'){//cada semana
                if(tot > 8){//menor a cinco visitas mensuales
                       a.addError(' No es posible crear mas de 8 visitas por mes para este cliente, en caso de no poder asistir a visitas previamente programadas para este mes, por favor ingrese nuevamente a esa visita y reprograme. '+tot);

               //END section visit per type of client           

//send te data future method
              Http h = new Http();
            APICallV2 v = new APICallV2();
           HttpRequest req =  v.buildWebServiceRequest();
            v.invokeWebService(h, req,inicio,fin,Id_event,contact_preson );

           }//si no es negocio (recordtype)
    }//trigger new
    for (Event a : {
        if (Trigger.isUpdate) {//para update
         if(a.RecordTypeId != '012A0000000Bg6CIAS'){//only for recordtype Masivo, this value (012A0000000Bg6CIAS) can not change
         if(a.Fecha_inicio_real__c == null && a.Fecha_Hora_fin_real__c ==null && !a.Efectividad_de_la_visita__c){
         /*******getting info for below procedures***************/
         List<event> e = [Select Event.StartDateTime From Event Where Id=:a.Id];

   //     Datetime Date_Start_old = ;
     //    Datetime Date_Start_new =;
        Datetime Date_Start_old = e[0].StartDateTime ;
        Datetime Date_Start_new = a.StartDateTime;
        string contact_preson =     a.WhatId;//contact ID for Rest API
        string Id_event =     a.Id; //ID of event for REST API
        Datetime inicio = a.StartDateTime; //Date of start meeting
        Datetime fin    = a.EndDateTime;  //Date of end meeting
        /*****Section to reschedule forthe same month.****/
        Date Date_Start_new_date  = date.newInstance(Date_Start_new.year(), Date_Start_new.month(),;//se pasa a formato date
        Date Date_Start_old_date  = date.newInstance(Date_Start_old.year(), Date_Start_old.month(),;//se pasa a formato date
        integer numberDaysDue =Date_Start_old_date.daysBetween(Date_Start_new_date);
        integer numberMonthsDue =Date_Start_old_date.monthsBetween(Date_Start_new_date);
               if( numberMonthsDue > 0){//msj de error
                    a.addError(' Usted dede reprogramar su la visita en el mes en curso.');
                }// > 10
                  Http h = new Http();
            APICallV2 v = new APICallV2();
           HttpRequest req =  v.buildWebServiceRequest();
            v.invokeWebService(h, req,inicio,fin,Id_event,contact_preson );
         }//si no es negocio recordtype.

}//trigger old




Continue below........

Could you please clarify if this error represent a bug in salesforce?


cond part......





public class APICallV2{

  //Future annotation to mark the method as async.

   @future (callout=true)
public static void APICallV2_request(){
object w
  Http h = new Http();
w.invokeWebService(h, req, fecha_inicio,  fecha_fin,  Event_Id,   account_Id);


public HttpRequest buildWebServiceRequest(){

        HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
       return req;

   public HttpResponse invokeWebService(Http h, HttpRequest req,Datetime fecha_inicio, Datetime fecha_fin, string Event_Id, string account_Id){
     //Invoke Web Service

      List<account> b = [Select latitud__c, Longitud__c From Account Where Id=:account_Id];

    string latitud = b[0].latitud__c;
    string Longitud = b[0].Longitud__c;
    Datetime fecha_fin_def   = fecha_fin.AddHours(1);//time dif our time -4:30 GMT (time difference with your servers and salesforce)
    Datetime fecha_inic_def  = fecha_inicio.AddHours(-1);//time dif -4:30 GMT (time difference with your servers and salesforce)
   req.setBody( '<request>    <authentication>        <username>333</username>        <password>dd</password>    </authentication>    <sphere>        <name>'+Event_Id+'</name>  <campaign>ccc</campaign>      <onEnter>           <processId>495320073</processId>          <processPayload>&lt;payload&gt;&lt;value&gt;'+Event_Id+'&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/payload&gt;</processPayload>        </onEnter>        <onExit>            <processId>333</processId>           <processPayload>&lt;payload&gt;&lt;value&gt;'+Event_Id+'&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/payload&gt;</processPayload>      </onExit>        <device>333</device>                <zone>            <address>'+Longitud+' '+latitud+'</address>            <radius>90</radius>            <unitType>mtrs</unitType>        </zone>        <startDate>'+fecha_inic_def+' +0000</startDate>        <endDate>'+fecha_fin_def+' -0000</endDate>    </sphere></request>');

        // Create a new http object to send the request object
        // A response object is generated as a result of the request
        Http http = new Http();
        HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);
        return res;

public void handleWebServiceResponse(HttpResponse res){

     //Parse and apply logic to the res message
      if (res.getStatusCode() == 200) {
      System.debug('Exitoso '+ res);

    } else {
      System.debug('Callout failed: ' + res);





/************************************** test clkass************************************/


private class TestAPICallV2
  //Added for security review

static testMethod void testWebService(){

Http h = new Http();

 APICallV2 v = new APICallV2();
      //First, build the http request

      HttpRequest req = v.buildWebServiceRequest();

   Datetime fecha_inicio =;
   Datetime fecha_fin =;

   string Event_Id ='00UA00000041osdMAA';
   string account_Id ='001A000000LKjdeIAD';


      //NOTE - WE DO NOT EXECUTE THE METHOD, invokeWebService.
      v.invokeWebService(h, req,fecha_inicio, fecha_fin, Event_Id, account_Id);


      //Now, since we can't execute the actual web service,
      //write apex code to build a sample HttpResponse object


      HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse();


      //Apply test data and attributes to the HttpResponse object as needed

    }//Test class



Could you please clarify if this error represent a bug in salesforce?




Hi everyone I will like to update this case, after try and read the error I found that the test stop when arrive the the line
      v.invokeWebService(h, req,fecha_inicio, fecha_fin, Event_Id, account_Id); so I move it to the last section of my class and the test coverage increase to 84%.


The second issue is not solved yet "Callout from triggers are currently not supported.: Class.APICallV2.invokeWebService: line 44, column 28".


Waiting for feedback.