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Trigger sends SMS with HTTP - need help with test method

Hi,  I have a couple of triggers that sends out sms's based on lead and contact data changes. We are sending these sms's via HTTP to a sms service provider. I get 100% test coverage on my triggers, but 0% on my class... Any help will be appreciated.

trigger SMSNewLead on Lead (after insert) {
  for(Lead l :{
     //check that the status is new and the owner is not a queue, rating must be hot
     if(l.Status == 'New' && (''+l.OwnerId).startsWith('005') && l.Lead_Rating__c == 'Hot'){
       SmsNewLead.basicSmsNewLead(l.Id, l.Name);




public class SmsNewLead {  
   //Future annotation to mark the method as async.
    public static void basicSmsNewLead(String Id, String Name){       
            //get the lead details
            Lead l = [Select Id, Name, Initials__c, Salutation, LastName, Status, OwnerId, MobilePhone FROM Lead WHERE Id=:id  ];           
            //Get the user details
            User u = [SELECT Id, LastName, FirstName, Name, Title, MobilePhone FROM User Where id = :l.ownerId];
            String Clientsalutation = l.Salutation;
            String ClientInitials = l.Initials__c;
            String Clientlastname = l.LastName;
            String clientcellphonenumber = l.MobilePhone;                                  

            string CurrentDate = string.valueof(;
            CurrentDate = CurrentDate.replace('-','');
            CurrentDate = CurrentDate.replace(' ','');
            CurrentDate = CurrentDate.replace(':','');
            String Data = 'data=ZCF\nChanged for the purpose of this post|New Lead: Please contact .......|'+id+'1||';
               Http http = new Http();
               HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();

               HttpResponse res = http.send(req);
            //check the response
            if (res.getStatusCode() == 200) {   
               //update lead
               l.SMS_To_Consultant__c = true;
               l.SMS_To_Consultant_Result__c = res.getBody();
               update l;
            } else {
               //update lead
               l.SMS_To_Consultant__c = false;
               l.SMS_To_Consultant_Result__c = res.getBody();
               update l;


 Global Class TestSMSNotifications{
    static testMethod void SMSLeadTest(){
        //SMS to Consultant - New Lead
        Lead lt = new Lead(FirstName='Test1', LastName='Method', Status = 'New', MobilePhone='0833004553', Initials__c='T', Company='Test', phone='012345678',
        LeadSource='Client', Area__c='Free State', Gender__c='Female', Qualification_1__c='Q1', Qualification_2__c='Q2', Duration_1__c='D1', Institution_1__c='I1', Known_As__c='test' );
        insert lt;

            SmsNewLead.basicSmsNewLead(, lt.Name); 



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

The @future method is not called because it occurs later. Instantiate a copy of the class and call it directly from the test code. Please note that you'll need a Test.isRunningTest() conditional branch since you don't want to actually send a SMS while testing. This will cost you a few points of code coverage, but you should still achieve over 90% in most cases.

All Answers


The @future method is not called because it occurs later. Instantiate a copy of the class and call it directly from the test code. Please note that you'll need a Test.isRunningTest() conditional branch since you don't want to actually send a SMS while testing. This will cost you a few points of code coverage, but you should still achieve over 90% in most cases.

This was selected as the best answer

Thank you so much for your reply - it worked! I managed to get 82% test coverage! For anyone interested here is the forst part of my test method

Global Class TestSMSNotifications{
    static testMethod void SMSLeadTest(){
        //SMS to Consultant - New Lead
        //SMS to Client - Informing Consultant will contact
        Lead lt = new Lead(FirstName='Test1', LastName='Method', Status = 'New', MobilePhone='0833004553', Initials__c='T', Company='Test', phone='012345678',
        LeadSource='Client', Area__c='Free State', Gender__c='Female', Qualification_1__c='Q1', Qualification_2__c='Q2', Duration_1__c='D1', Institution_1__c='I1', Known_As__c='test' );
        insert lt;
        //SMS to Consultant - No update 24hrs
        //lt.X24HrsUp__c = True;
        //Update lt;   
        //SMS to Consultant - No update 48hrs
        //lt.X48HrsUp__c = True;
        //Update lt;    

        //SMS to Consultant - No update 48hrs
        //lt.Status = 'Re-Allocated';
        //Update lt;  

            SmsNewLead.basicSmsNewLead(, lt.Name); 
            SmsNewLeadClient.basicSmsNewLeadClient(, lt.Name);   
            Sms24Hrs.basicSms24Hrs(, lt.Name); 
            Sms48Hrs.basicSms48Hrs(, lt.Name); 
            SmsReallocate.basicSmsReallocate(, lt.Name); 

I have problem in class

(   ErrorError: Compile Error: Illegal assignment from Boolean to Decimal at line 36 column 16) ,



plz help in that  and if i write 1 instade of true then anather problem

(ErrorError: Compile Error: Illegal assignment from String to Decimal at line 37 column 16)


i think i making mistake while choosing datatype of fields.......or what ? 


i have installed " SMS Magic " from appexchange ,so how to integrate that with your code .