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Need to Trigger a link based on Picklist



I am trying to transfer a lead based on a picklist. For example


I already have a custom link called "Transfer to partner" (this actually funnels my lead to there instance). What I am looking to accomplish is. If I get a lead and have a picklist field with a drop down choice called "Transfer to Partner". This should automatically xfer the lead to there funnel rather than me clicking the "Transfer to partner" link. Hope this explains it.


I am assuming here "Transfer to Partner"  means changing owner of lead



Even if you are thinking of picklist options, when picklist value changed we can fire trigger and update owner.


But I will recommand if we go for trigger it will fire every time record created or updated [which is not necessary in your case ]


Please let me know if u are thinking anythng else






Thank you for looking into this.


Sorry, I was not clear. I am actually trying to map the fields in this particular lead to another instance. The lead get unqualified on my end by me selecting the pciklist choice "Transfer to Partner". We already have a link called "Transfer to Partner" which does just that, but I was looking for a way to automate, just by me populating a picklist choice " Transfer to Partner". This will then in turn map fields to another instance.





we can define a trigger on lead update and achieve this . Please clarify what does exactly means "mapping to anather instance"


are you copying lead fields to some anather object or are you thinking anything else.





We have a sister company that we map lead fields to, We unqualify on our end. by saying Transfer to Partner and then we click on a link called "Transfer to Partner". This then map the lead fields to there instance (OID). We map fields from our lead to there object.


