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Detail Page Button - Download Document - How to control display

My goal is to allow the User to download or display a simple PDF file stored in SF Documents folder to reference while they are entering products on quote line items or the opportunity line items. So it needs to reside or stay open on the page while they enter products. Like a pop-up I guess.


So I created a custom button with the link to the document Now I want to control how it is displayed


After all my review of pop up windows and the like, it looks like my answer is javascript but I don't know how to do it.  Can anyone help?


You can do this using java script. Use OnClickJavascript event when you create the button and then use the following line:


Window. open(url,size,…);


From here you can control your page




You sent me down the right path!  Thank you!  I don't know Java at all. Very green. But........


I ended up with the statement below but I can't seem to find the code that makes the window stay on top. When the User clicks on the Salesforce screen to enter their products, I don't want the window to disappear."","_blank","toolbar=no, location=yes, directories=no, status=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=no, copyhistory=yes, width=1200, height=300");