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Manoj kumar.ax391Manoj kumar.ax391 

Login calls for webservice apex methods



I am developing a webservice method that needs to be accessed through the WSDL file from an external .net program. Here is the sample code (rather a very simple one)


global class CustomerInterface{

  Webservice static String createCustomer(String customerName){
//perform some logic here

  return 'Successfull';
Now when I generate a WSDL file for this it only contains this method. If an external .net service needs to access this webservice I should do the following steps
1. Consume a partner wsdl and then call the login method
2. Take the sessionid from the previous call
3. Consume my CustomerInterface WSDL and then add the sessionid from step 2 into the header of the createCustomer call
This means my client should consume 2 WSDL files. Is there any way where I can reduce this to one. Say add a login method in the CustomerInterface.wsdl?
Manoj Ganapathy


Bhawani SharmaBhawani Sharma

Instead of doing all these things manually , you can create a code snippet, which will call the login api and will fetch the session Id from it . Same time it will make the another call for customerinterface.


like :

XmlStreamReader reader =  stub.login();

//parse the reader instance and get the session Id

String sessionId = reader.getLocalName('sessionId');


//now use the sessionId for customer Interface
