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Validation Help Please



I have a room object, and related booking object.


The booking object has a start date and end date.


I'd like to write a piece of validation which would stop someone from taking a room which already have a booking on the same date.


Any pointers would be welcome, for various reason I can't use the standard resources on activities.






create a unique key formula field on Booking object with following formula: booking__c.roomName + ':' + booking_c.StartData + ':' + booking__c.EndDate



or you can write a triiger on this object and add Custom Error mesaage on before Insert.



kritin wrote:

create a unique key formula field on Booking object with following formula: booking__c.roomName + ':' + booking_c.StartData + ':' + booking__c.EndDate



or you can write a triiger on this object and add Custom Error mesaage on before Insert.


The unique key thing is not going to work because it won't handle overlap.


You need something a bit more complex.  Consider booking1 and booking2 dates:


startdate1, enddate1, startdate2, enddate2


now consider 2 booleans:


OneTotallyAfterTwo - true if startdate1 > enddate2

OneTotallyBeforeTwo - true if enddate1 < startdate2


if either one is not true, there is overlap.


According to deMorgan's law,  [Not (A or B)] is equivalent to [Not A and Not B]


So you write a trigger for before insert and before update that takes the start and end of of the booking being saved, and queries the booking table for:


SELECT count(*) FROM Booking__c WHERE StartTime__c <  curRecordEnd
         AND EndTime__c >  curRecordStart  AND Room__c = curRecordRoom


(Note that that's air code and you'll have to get the syntax right)


If you get a result other than 0 you've got overlap.



Thanks for the reply, yes I thought that there would be a problem with the overlap.


I have not had any experience writing APEX Triggers.


The objects are booking__c and room__c , fields are start_date__c and end_date__c.


Can anyone provide some sample code to get me started.



