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Bob FossilBob Fossil 

Creating Dynamic Apex Query to populate String for outbound email message...



If anyone has experience with dynamic Apex and SendEmailMmessage, i would appreciate some help on a quick question. I am looking to create a Dynamic APEX Query within a SingleEmailMessage and having trouble getting the query to populate the list, and also how to associate the results of the query with the toAddresses string. So far I have the two parts of my class below. Any advice on how to put them together?


List<sObject> L = Database.query(' SELECT Member_Email__c FROM Attendee__c WHERE Dining_paid__c = false 

LIMIT 100'


String[] toAddresses = new String[] {''};  





Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Might I suggest that you may not need to use dynamic SOQL (which will overcomplicate things if not needed).


You could instead do:


List<Attendee__c> attendee_list = [SELECT Member_Email__c FROM Attendee__c WHERE Dining_paid__c = false LIMIT 100];


List<String> toAddresses = new List<String>();


for(Attendee__c a : attendee_list)




All Answers


Might I suggest that you may not need to use dynamic SOQL (which will overcomplicate things if not needed).


You could instead do:


List<Attendee__c> attendee_list = [SELECT Member_Email__c FROM Attendee__c WHERE Dining_paid__c = false LIMIT 100];


List<String> toAddresses = new List<String>();


for(Attendee__c a : attendee_list)




This was selected as the best answer
Bob FossilBob Fossil

Eric, you are a star. Works a treat and helped me along with understanding the syntax. Thank you


No problem, glad it worked out.