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Not able to create Idea object in test class

I am trying to create an Idea object in test class as a customer portal user. but getting following error:


System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: COMMUNITY_NOT_ACCESSIBLE, You do not have permission to access the community that this entity belongs to. You must be given permission to the community before you can access this entity.: [CommunityId]


I am using following apex code in test class:


 List<Community> listCommunity = [Select c.Name, c.IsActive, c.Id From Community c where IsActive=true and name=:TestClassUtility.PORTAL_COMMUNITY_NAME limit 1];
            Idea myIdea = new Idea(CommunityId = listCommunity.get(0).Id);
            myIdea.title = ' Test Idea';
            myIdea.body = ' test idea';
            insert myIdea;
            IdeaComment iComm = new IdeaComment(IdeaId = myIdea.Id);
            iComm.CommentBody = ' I like this idea';
            insert iComm;


Thanks in advance for any help.




I have the same problem, I have setup a customer portal and a community which is shown in the customer portal.

I have then created a custom portal user and after adding the idea tab I have successfully created an idea via the standard interface.

Moreover, I have created a simple visualforce page and controller:



<apex:page controller="IdeaController">
 <apex:form >
   <apex:commandLink value="post idea" action="{!postidea}"/>


public class IdeaController{
    public Pagereference postIdea(){
            Idea myIdea = new Idea(CommunityId = '09aA0000000XdoL');
            myIdea.title = ' Test Idea';
            myIdea.body = ' test idea';
            insert myIdea;
            IdeaComment iComm = new IdeaComment(IdeaId = myIdea.Id);
            iComm.CommentBody = ' I like this idea';
            insert iComm;
            return null;

 Please note i have hardcoded the ids, just for testing.

After, adding the page to the customer portal profile and accessing the portal as the portal user, I could post an idea, clicking on the link.

It looks like the test method does not allow what is otherwise possible, both with the standard UI and with visualforce/apex.

My two cents: I would log a case from your org and give access to salesforce support.






Thanks for the reply.

Is there any solution available for this. I tried to check the Field level security of Idea fields, surprisingly the field "CommunityId" is not available there in the list of Idea fields.

Sara Rudraraju 5Sara Rudraraju 5
Do you have a solution to this problem?
Thanks in Advance!