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BusinessHours - using addGMT

I am getting an error when getting the default BusinessHours and adding 1000 milliseconds. Here is the code I am running in the system log:



BusinessHours bh = [select id from businesshours where isDefault = true];
DateTime dt =;
DateTime test = BusinessHours.addGmt(, dt, 1000);



And this is what the log shows:



13:58:42.297|METHOD_ENTRY|[3]|BusinessHours.add(String, Datetime, Long)
13:58:42.298|METHOD_EXIT|[3]|BusinessHours.add(String, Datetime, Long)
13:58:42.298|FATAL_ERROR|Internal Error


Am I doing something wrong?


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

In case anyone else is struggling with this, I found that I needed to create a variable for the interval instead of passing it in directly. Here is the revised code that is functional:



BusinessHours bh = [select id from businesshours where isDefault = true];
DateTime dt =;
Long interval = 1000;
DateTime test = BusinessHours.addGmt(, dt, interval);