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URGENT -Automatically populating fields



I have an urgent requirement . When the AccountName is selected on Opportunity Object I want the values from two fields on Account to  fill the same two fields on Opportunity Object before I click the save button so that if I want I can change the field values and then save it.  Please can someone help me as I am not sure how this will work out.




If you want the user to be able to modify the values before saving then you'll need to build a Visualforce page to do this. The basic architecture you'd follow is similar to this example:






I tried to create a formula (number) field Prev_Net_Payment_Terms(Days) on Opportunity and equated that to the same field from Account  , Since I need to autopopulate the field in Opportunity . But my problem is when I first create the Opportunity  and when I select the Account Name I want this field to be populated without pressing the save button for some reason this field is not at all visible on the edit page of Opportunity, only when I click save I can see the field auto populated . Please help ......





So I'm not sure if you saw my last post or not but if you want the user to be able to modify the value prior to saving then you will need to create a Visualforce page. 


Hi Andrew,


My requirement has changed slightly hence I wrote that post . I have created dummy field which will be read only on Opportunity and I want this field to be autopopulated from account object field when I select account name while creating an opportunity that is a look up field on account. When this field is autopopulated I want the users to enter the value which is also a number in another field. Actually all this is part of a long approval process and I need to be able to compare these too fields in the approval process . The problem is I tried using formula field but it does not show up on the edit page. It is only visible when I save the opportunity.

