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Why does eclipse constantly time out? Is there a better alternative?

I here your suppose to use eclipse for development but with it constantly timing out while just trying to create a new project or trying to add components; How can it be a reliable product?

Is there a certain day / time to use it that would time out less?

are you developing on a big org (lots of code/objects)? if so, pretty much the only things you can do are

  • not select everything in the org, just the items you need to work on. you can select a subset of classes, page, etc in multiple projects
  • set the timeout settings in the project to 600 seconds instead of the default 400
  • develop via the web interface in the setup area/the developer mode toolbar
  • develop in your own text editor, and use the Ant deploy tools to pull/push your code

I don't usually see more than 2-3 timeouts in a full day of development, unless there's a problem with the Salesforce instance.


Is your network connection reliable?  and are you checking on to see if the instance you are connecting to is undergoing an outage?


Would go with Paul's first suggestion, I bet you've downloaded lots of components from your org.  If you right click on your project folder and change the properties to download only the components you require it should be significantly faster.  I only download Pages, Classes, Triggers and both custom and standard objects.


Yes, I increased the time out to 600.This is my 4th project using eclipse.

This was a new project was that build on a developer account using standard features. I wanted to just move the site.

But, on friday the 1-21-1 and agian on sunday at several different times, when I went to create the project, I could create a new project without time out was if I choose "none". Then when I tried to add components it again timed out before even showing the list to choose from.


Was there any maintenance being carried out on the instance you were working on?  Earlier in january I had a similar experience with a sandbox org, but that was during a scheduled maintenance window, so expected.  That said, I wouldn't expect anything along those lines on a friday, and isn't reporting an outage for that date either.