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Casting object to object?

Hello everyone,


I'm trying to use the result of a query to query on another object:



 List<Opportunity> oppList = [Select AccountId From Opportunity where Id = :a.Opportunity__c];

 List<Account> accList = [Select Is_Trade_Account__c From Account Where Id in :oppList];
I'm getting an invalid bind expression error on the 2nd query as it is of type Account.

Is there some way around this? Casting? toString? This seems like it should be a pretty fundamental concept and I'm just missing something.
Thank you in advance!


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Try this...



List<Opportunity> oppList = [Select AccountId From Opportunity where Id = :a.Opportunity__c];
Set<ID> acctIds = new Set<ID>(); 
for (Opportunity o : oppList)

List<Account> accList = [Select Is_Trade_Account__c From Account Where Id in :acctIds];



All Answers


Try this...



List<Opportunity> oppList = [Select AccountId From Opportunity where Id = :a.Opportunity__c];
Set<ID> acctIds = new Set<ID>(); 
for (Opportunity o : oppList)

List<Account> accList = [Select Is_Trade_Account__c From Account Where Id in :acctIds];



This was selected as the best answer

This is the solution, thanks for the help!
