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Datetime greater than or equal to oddity

Hi all,


I've got a simple test method, within this method I am System.debug()ing out two date time values which are almost always equal, then the next line is an assertion to see if one is >= the other one and it fails.  Code is shown below.



System.debug('HERE = ' + objList[0].Start_Time__c + ' / ' + timeBeforeExecution);                                     
System.assert(objList[0].Start_Time__c >= timeBeforeExecution);



Below this is the result of the debug log.



11:04:31.274|USER_DEBUG|[56]|DEBUG|HERE = 2010-12-09 19:04:29 / 2010-12-09 19:04:29
11:04:31.274|EXCEPTION_THROWN|[57]|System.AssertException: Assertion Failed


If I change the assertion to == it works.  Not sure why == would work but not >=.  I guess as a work around I can just assert thats its > || its ==, but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas why this would be happening.




Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Looks like a Datetime field value always has a milliseconds of 0, while actually captures the millisecond at the time.

All Answers


Looks like a bug


Then does this work?


System.assert(objList[0].Start_Time__c <= timeBeforeExecution);




Looks like a Datetime field value always has a milliseconds of 0, while actually captures the millisecond at the time.

This was selected as the best answer