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Test class for scheduler class
Can some one please tell me how to write a Unit test class for the scheduler class below please.
Should i seperate class or can i write it in the same class with @IsTest notation.
global class HF_Survey_OneMonth Implements Schedulable
global void execute(SchedulableContext sc)
public void SendSurvey()
// Get the most recently created config object.
Config_Object__c config = [Select HFSurveyCode__c, Survey_Date__C, SOQL_Query__C from Config_Object__C
where Name ='HostFamily_Survey'];
List<Opportunity> oppList = Database.query(config.SOQL_Query__c);
List<Account> accList = new List<Account>();
for(Opportunity opp:oppList)
if(opp.AccountId!= null)
Account acc = opp.Account;
if(acc.Survey_Code__c != String.valueOf(config.HFSurveyCode__c) || acc.Survey_Opp_Id__c != opp.Id)
string oppcode= opp.Id;
acc.Survey_Code__c = String.valueOf(config.HFSurveyCode__c);
acc.Survey_Dt__c = config.Survey_Date__c;
acc.Survey_Opp_Id__c = oppcode.subString(0,15);
update accList;
Take a look at the followind documentation:
You can assert both the timing and the behavior.