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Apex Scheduler Problems

Have an apex class that has been tested to work, but I am having problems understanding the documentation for creating a Scheduler class. The documentation here makes it seem like all I have to do is create the following scheduler class, but when I schedule it to run in salesforce nothing happens. Any help would be appreciated.


Scheduler Class



global class OppPoliceScheduler1 implements Schedulable{
   global void execute(SchedulableContext sc) {
      OppPoliceController O = new OppPoliceController();



Apex Class



public with sharing class OppPoliceController {
  public void Opportunity() {
     List<Opportunity> Opptys2 = [SELECT id, LastActivityDate, Activity_Status__c, StageName, (SELECT id, CreatedDate from Feeds ) FROM Opportunity WHERE StageName != 'Closed Won' AND StageName != 'Closed Lost' ORDER BY LastActivityDate DESC];
        for(Opportunity Op : Opptys2){
        datetime LastActivityDate = Op.LastActivityDate; //Last Activity Date in datetimeformat
        datetime CreatedDate = Op.Feeds[0].CreatedDate;  //Created Date in datetime format 
        date d = Date.Today();  //Current Date Formated
            if(LastActivityDate == null || d > LastActivityDate.addDays(14) || d > CreatedDate.addDays(14)) {
              Op.Activity_Status__c = 'High';
            else if((d >= LastActivityDate.addDays(7) && d < LastActivityDate.addDays(14)) 
                     || (d >= CreatedDate.addDays(7) && d < CreatedDate.addDays(14))) {
               Op.Activity_Status__c = 'Medium';
            else if(d < LastActivityDate.addDays(7) || d < CreatedDate.addDays(7)) {
                Op.Activity_Status__c = 'Low';
            else {
                Op.Activity_Status__c = 'Error';
           update Opptys2;



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Not sure what the previous post was referring to, but it looks like you forgot to call the opportunity method...




global class OppPoliceScheduler1 implements Schedulable{
   global void execute(SchedulableContext sc) {
      OppPoliceController O = new OppPoliceController();
      //call the oppty method

 Please note - when you invoke the System.schedule method, it will return an ID that refers to the Crontrigger table.  You can query this directly confirm execution times.  I think you'll find the scheduler did fire - but no actual logic, other than the instantiation of OppPoliceController, was fired.


All Answers


i can see that u dont have database.execute metod in ur apex class.Add in ur main class


 public void oppPolicecontroller()
      oppPolicecontroller obj = new oppPolicecontroller();
        ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(obj);



Not sure what the previous post was referring to, but it looks like you forgot to call the opportunity method...




global class OppPoliceScheduler1 implements Schedulable{
   global void execute(SchedulableContext sc) {
      OppPoliceController O = new OppPoliceController();
      //call the oppty method

 Please note - when you invoke the System.schedule method, it will return an ID that refers to the Crontrigger table.  You can query this directly confirm execution times.  I think you'll find the scheduler did fire - but no actual logic, other than the instantiation of OppPoliceController, was fired.


This was selected as the best answer

Thanks for your input!