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How to extract time for local time zone

Hi All

I want to extract time for my local time zone which i have set in my personal information


like  consider apex code below:


DateTime cDT = system.Now();

String localDateTime = cDT.format();


now localDateTime will be like 4/1/2011 4:22 PM


I want to extract 4:22 PM out of this


One method given in salesforce documentation is hour,minute methods. But this method takes datetime as argument. But our format method returnes a string.


The solution may be convert the string returned by format method to datetime type.

But could not. i tried parse method. it converted my local time back to GMT Time. Secondly i tried valueOf Method. But it accepts string in a specific format. 


Please help me solving this problem. I have tries from my side. searched on net. but got no solution



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 
dotnet developedotnet develope

Hi Friend,


Please find the below solution


DateTime cDT = system.Now();
String localDateTime1 = cDT.format('h:mm a');


Thanks & Regards


All Answers

dotnet developedotnet develope

Hi Friend,


Please find the below solution


DateTime cDT = system.Now();
String localDateTime1 = cDT.format('h:mm a');


Thanks & Regards


This was selected as the best answer

Thanks buddy.. This works..  A lot of thanks


i tried the same for extracting date too

Just for the help of others i am posting this here

date can be extracted via same method


Datetime cDT =;

String currentDate = cDT.format('d:M:yyyy ');