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how to integrate the sugar crm with salesforce



        can any please help me how to integrate the sugar crm with salesforce and how to use.







First question is why, but I am biased here :)


Salesforce is an open platform in the sense that you connect to it via many industry standard approached such as web services and REST. If you can further define your question, I can help from the Salesforce side, but if it is sugar specifics, you are better posting to their discussion boards.  I don't know too much about Sugarcrm, but I do know it provides a SOAP API as well ( which should get you started.



Michael TomarMichael Tomar
For those who ate still searching for a solution, I can recommend a third-party app called Skyvia. It's the most affordable app in the market, that provides bidirectional SugarCRM and Salesforce integration (