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Update a value cross-object (std to custom)

I am new to salesforce and my first task has been to populate the Actual Cost on the standard object Campaign with the Cost on my custom object Campaign_Item. I know that I have to use a trigger but where I am hitting a wall is how the trigger should fire. Im really having a hard time understanding the way the logic flows with in a trigger. Things seem to be done in a special manor because of governing limits. I have read through all of the documentation on triggers and Im still lost. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Most of the samples I see are using SQL calls or are using IDs and Account info. I just want to move a value. 


Thanks in advance


Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 


trigger SendCostToCampaign on Campaign_Items__c (after insert, after update) 
	// This loads all the ids in Campaign_Item that references the parent (Campaign in this case)
	// Its sole purpose here is to be used in builing the campaign list
	Set<ID> campaignCost = new Set<ID>();
	// This loads the same ID the Set does but ties the cost to the ID
	Map<ID, Double> costInfo = new Map<ID, Double>();
	// Places the information into both the Set and the Map from Campaign_Item
	for(Campaign_Items__c ci :
		costInfo.put(ci.Campaign__c, ci.Cost__c);
	// Builds a list of campaign IDs but only if that match the Campaign_Item
	List<Campaign> campaign = [select id from Campaign where id in :campaignCost];
	// this sets the value on each matching Campaign to value in Campaign_Item based in the ID match in the Map	
	for (Campaign c : campaign)
		c.ActualCost = costInfo.get(;
	update campaign; // updates the campiagn object



All Answers


Oh, and the Campaign is the parent to the Campaign_Item.



trigger SendCostToCampaign on Campaign_Items__c (after insert, after update) 
	// This loads all the ids in Campaign_Item that references the parent (Campaign in this case)
	// Its sole purpose here is to be used in builing the campaign list
	Set<ID> campaignCost = new Set<ID>();
	// This loads the same ID the Set does but ties the cost to the ID
	Map<ID, Double> costInfo = new Map<ID, Double>();
	// Places the information into both the Set and the Map from Campaign_Item
	for(Campaign_Items__c ci :
		costInfo.put(ci.Campaign__c, ci.Cost__c);
	// Builds a list of campaign IDs but only if that match the Campaign_Item
	List<Campaign> campaign = [select id from Campaign where id in :campaignCost];
	// this sets the value on each matching Campaign to value in Campaign_Item based in the ID match in the Map	
	for (Campaign c : campaign)
		c.ActualCost = costInfo.get(;
	update campaign; // updates the campiagn object



This was selected as the best answer

Let me know if my comments are correct. i dont want to give out bad info.