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Validation Rules for custom controller

Hi gujs.

I use custom visualforce page and class to create new record of my custom object (override standart "new" button to visualforce page ). This object have a sets of validation rules for 5 different fields.

When I leave these fields blank and try to save the object, then validation error displayed but only for one field. If I fill this field with value and save the object, then error is displayed for next unfilled field.

I want to display all errors simultaneously, but not sequental. But have no idea how to do it.


There is a piece of code from my apex class where I instert record



	public PageReference SaveEvent(){
		try {
			insert ev;
		catch (DmlException e){
			Debug = String.valueOf(e);
			return null;







Have you set the fields as required via Setup-->Create-->Objects-->My Ojbect? If so, the required validation should be handled automagically. You do not need to write custom logic in a controller to handle it.


Validation rules works, but I if few fields is wrong, visualforce just show error near one field.