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Need help with an empty SObject List

Hello Everyone,


I need some  help with a bit of apex code.  I am creating a query list that I need to check to see if it is empty.


Here is my code:

if (oldPhoneName != null){
    	 List<Transportation_Services__c> oldRecord = [Select Name, Pickup_Time__c, Client__r.Last_Name__c,  Pickup_Location__r.Name,
        Drop_Off_Location__r.Name, Phone_Name__c, Notes_Transportation__c from Transportation_Services__c 
        WHERE Pickup_Time__c = TODAY AND Phone_Name__c = :oldPhoneName AND Name != :valueTwo Order by Pickup_Time__c];
        	createXML(record, oldPhoneName, true);
        	createXML(oldRecord, oldphoneName, false);



Apex does not like my 'records.isEmpty'.  I get this error on compile:  

Save error: Initial term of field expression must be a concrete SObject: LIST<Transportation_Services__c>  


Does anyone know of a way that I can check if a SOQL generated list came back with no records (empty)?



Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

You are missing the parentheses






All Answers


You are missing the parentheses






This was selected as the best answer
Ankit AroraAnkit Arora

It bit simple, try this :



if (oldPhoneName != null){
    	 List<Transportation_Services__c> oldRecord = [Select Name, Pickup_Time__c, Client__r.Last_Name__c,  Pickup_Location__r.Name,
        Drop_Off_Location__r.Name, Phone_Name__c, Notes_Transportation__c from Transportation_Services__c 
        WHERE Pickup_Time__c = TODAY AND Phone_Name__c = :oldPhoneName AND Name != :valueTwo Order by Pickup_Time__c];
        if(oldRecord.size() > 0){
        	createXML(record, oldPhoneName, true);
        	createXML(oldRecord, oldphoneName, false);



Ankit Arora

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OK...I'm gonna crawl back into my newbie hole now.....sorry!!


Thanks guys.


(I'm such an idiot......)


Nah, it always helps to have a second set of eyes look at something.


Would you mind marking either my post or Ankit's post as the solution, and not your own?


