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Trigger Assist - Sample, case updating... (JIRA)

Hello, I am considering using the JIRA - Salesforce connector but one limitation of that product is that updates/comments in SF cases are not automatically pushed to JIRA. They offer a sample Apex Class and trigger here

but it is not valid and I'd like some help getting this working.

Any assistance would be appreciated.




I can try to help you with this.

If possible we can chat over this my skype mail id is or you can get in touch with me on same email id. So that I can help you with this.


thanks I will contact you soon.

Jeannie KobertJeannie Kobert
Hello JAW99,

I was wondering if you ever implemented pushing a specific comment (single if needed) from SFDC to JIRA? I would also be interested in that funcationality but can't find anyone who had implemented it?