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Table as String: Urgent

       S.No   ***  Object Name   ***  Count Of Records Created Today  ***  Count Of Records Modified Today   *****
        1     ***  Account       ***            TotalCount[0]         ***               TotalCount[1]        *****
        2     ***  Leads         ***            TotalCount[2]         ***               TotalCount[3]        *****
        3     ***  Opportunity   ***            TotalCount[4]         ***               TotalCount[5]        *****
        4     ***  Contacts      ***            TotalCount[6]         ***               TotalCount[7]        *****
        5     ***  Activities    ***            TotalCount[8]         ***               TotalCount[9]        *****
       ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ');

How to set the above value as string for sending mail???


try like this.


String Description = '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n\n'

+ ' S.No   ***  Object Name   ***  Count Of Records Created Today  ***  Count Of Records Modified Today   ***** \n'

+ ' 1     ***  Account       ***   ' + getTotalCount() + '    ***   ' + getTotalCount() + ' *****  \n ' 

+ ................


+...... ;



final Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();      





Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });




Rahul SharmaRahul Sharma

If the records are dynamically generated,

then use HTML table to achieve the requirement.