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Subscribe to custom object records to receive updates on that records through site



I have a requirement, where our site users must be able to subscribe to the custom object's records and they should receive emails whenever the status of that record changes. They should be able to unsubscribe to the records, not to recieve any emails wheneve there is update to that record.


Could any one help me with this.


Thanks in advance.



I believe that Chatter would probably suit your needs. If not, you'd just need a trigger, a custom object, and some code to allow subscribing/unsubscribing. Alternatively, you could use a workflow rule and an external system to build the functionality. It's more of a matter of how much time you want to put into the design versus the development and maintenance costs.


I want this functionality on site. Can we use chatter for site users?


You should be able to use Chatter licenses (free) to enable this functionality. I would recommend you check the documentation on the Chatter API to be certain.