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How do I get the Org's currency code in Apex?

From the API, you can do a getUserInfo() request, and the result contains a property for orgDefaultCurrencyIsoCode. This is the value of the currency for the organization in a single-currency org.


Any idea how I can get this value from Apex? The UserInfo system method does not have the same method, and UserInfo.getDefaultCurrency() returns null in a single-currency org.


Have you tried this :





Yes, I've tried all the System context objects, as well as using the explorer to check the DB for users and Organization, to no avail.


Any Solutions??


I stucked with the same problem...




Anais Ofranc 15Anais Ofranc 15
You can try this : getUserInfo().currencySymbol;
"currency symbol to use for displaying currency values. Applicable only when organizationMultiCurrency is false."