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How to verify whether a VisualForce page exists?

How can I programatically verify whether or not a page by the name of "xyz" exists?


Neither the ApexPages namespace nor the PageReference object seem to provide any such method.

Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Reading is not my strong suit.


[select Id, Name from ApexPage where name = 'MyPage']


Works for me.


Keep im mind im running this query via SOQL Explorer.  I wouldnt be suprised if you couldnt instantiate an ApexPage or class within your code.  Try a count() query.

All Answers


[select Id from ApexClass WHERE Name = 'MyClass']


Doesn't seem to work. With...

  • ApexClass somepage = [select Id from ApexClass WHERE Name = 'SomeValidPageName'];

...I always get...

  • System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject

...whether a page of that name exists or not.


Reading is not my strong suit.


[select Id, Name from ApexPage where name = 'MyPage']


Works for me.


Keep im mind im running this query via SOQL Explorer.  I wouldnt be suprised if you couldnt instantiate an ApexPage or class within your code.  Try a count() query.

This was selected as the best answer

Thanks, that did it. Now I can simply wrap the lot in a try catch statement to handle non-existing pages. Great!