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Help with very basic test class

Hi All,


I have a very basic trigger that moves a text field into an email field, to enable a workflow to send out an email to this address.


I would like to write a test class for this trigger to help keep everyting in order



trigger UpdateEmailFieldWithRealEmail on Offer__c (before insert,before Update)

for (Offer__c OFF :

OFF.candidates_Email_Address_For_Chases__c = OFF.Candidates_Email_Address__c;



The trigger itself is very simple and does what I needed but I could now really do this help to write the test class


Any pointers would be great





Shashikant SharmaShashikant Sharma

This is your test class



private static class testTriggerUpdateEmailFieldWithRealEmail  {

private static TestMethod void testInsertTrigger() {
Offer__c objOfficer = new Offer__c(Candidates_Email_Address__c = '');
//assign all req fields values to objOfficer if any, don't need to provide value to candidates_Email_Address_For_Chases__c field


insert objOfficer;
system.assertEquals(objOfficer.Candidates_Email_Address__c , objOfficer.candidates_Email_Address_For_Chases__c);

private static TestMethod void testUpdateTrigger() {
Offer__c objOfficer = new Offer__c(Candidates_Email_Address__c = '');
//assign all req fields values to objOfficer if any, don't need to provide value to candidates_Email_Address_For_Chases__c field
insert objOfficer;


objOfficer.Candidates_Email_Address__c = '';
update objOfficer;
system.assertEquals(objOfficer.Candidates_Email_Address__c , objOfficer.candidates_Email_Address_For_Chases__c);


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